Well family. This week flew by!! The mish has to be the weirdest but most wonderful thing ever. At times it still doesn't feel real. I assume that you are wondering about the subject of this email. But I feel like all of you RMs will understand this. We have this couple that we have been working with for forever. She is a member and he is not. His baptism is set for the 16th and they have been progressing really well. Until... we went over to their house the other day to give a lesson and out of the blue this girl says that she doesn't want to get married, she doesn't want anything to do with the church and she doesn't believe in God because so many bad things have happened to her... wow. So yeah. Not a big fan of agency right now. If they don't get married he doesn't get baptized. Wow, thanks Satan. Satan is one major jerk. Oh well that was my bummer of the week.
On to the good stuff, we had baptism #5!! Yay! Angel Andradi Mauricio. He is our miracle. He is an old investigator who was not baptized because he lived with his girlfriend, they broke up and he decided that he wanted to be baptized! Cool,right? He is so awesome. 60 years old and just as nice as can be! I am so happy! It was marvelous!
We met a new family that we are totally going to baptize because the story is legit, we found a phone on the sidewalk and returned it to them, they turned out the be the coolest people ever! They invited us over on Sunday to visit with them and it turned out that they invited us over for a birthday party!! It was so awesome. I am so excited to teach them.
We had a visit from a member of the 70 and it was super cool. We took a horrible two hour bus ride to Tezuitlan on the windiest roads I've ever been on. Thank heavens for motion sickness pills because everyone was super sick. But it was great. It got me super pumped for the work!
Okay, almost done. Time for a funny story. We were walking down the street and there was this little old lady carrying a ton of stuff so Hermana Manzueta went to offer to help. While Hermana Manzueta was walking and talking she walked right into a pole! Some reward for trying to serve your fellow man! It was great, I felt bad but I was laughing so hard!! Okay, that is my week! I love you all!!
Hermana Chandler